Agile/Scrum in the classroom
Step by Step

1) Teacher gives general problem/project to students (or teacher helps students determine their own problem/project)

2) BACKLOG CONSTRUCTION: Students work as a big group to come up with BACKLOG big items of all the things that need to be done for the project

3) SPRINT PLANNING: Students then prioritize those items, figure out which need to be done first, and group items into subsequent blocks of priority

4) SPRINT: Students move first block of items into the TO DO column. Assign each item to one or more group members. Come up with a checklist of all the tasks that go into that item. Then move items into the DOING column as they start working on them. As they check off tasks and complete items, they move them into the DONE column.

5) DAILY SCRUM: Each day (or week or half hour or whatever) students stand in a circle and report three things. There is no discussion, just statements. The ScrumMaster (teacher or a student in charge) notes the answers to the third question and try to solve those problems.
a. What did I do yesterday?
b. What am I doing today?
c. What obstacles are in my way for what I need to do today?

6) SPRINT REVIEW: at end of Sprint, look at final products and see what works and what doesn’t. If anything didn’t work or was left out, then add to next Sprint

7) SPRINT RETROSPECTIVE: at end of Sprint, look at how the process went of doing the sprint. How did people work together and work on their own. Team discusses what went well, what didn’t and what to improve for the next Sprint.

8) Then back to steps 2/3. Refine backlog and plan and implement next Sprint.